
Beaten Path, Beartooth Mountains, Montana
Last updated 2021 - Update in Progress
Published Work:
Low-Temperature Thermochronology in the Fission-Track Lab (in press) - Lite Geology (NMBGMR publication), v. 48
Pining for Rock: Geology along the Pine Creek trail - Outside Bozeman, Summer 2019 issue
Seismic Proportions: Visiting Earthquake Lake - Outside Bozeman, Summer 2017 issue
Story in Stone: Madison River Geology - Outside Bozeman, Fall 2016 issue
The Beartooth Plateau and Beartooth Highway - thisisyellowstone.com online article
Outreach efforts and experience:
NMBGMR Facebook Page: "Photos from the Field" contributor: Jornada fault, Feb. 23rd, 2021
(post reached >13,500 people in less than one week!)
UNM GPSA Graduate Student Research Showcase, Zuni thermochronology presentation, April 2019
American Geophysical Union, Instagram Takeover, August 2017
Edited three geologic wayside exhibits for Yellowstone (Mt. Everts, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Norris Geyser basin), 2016
Helped with renovation of geology exhibits at Earthquake Lake Visitor Center; provided interpretive talks, Summer 2014
MSU Earth Sciences Student Colloquium planning committee: Public Relations, 2011–2013
Montana Science Olympiad volunteer: Rocks and Minerals exam co-coordinator, 2011/2012
CSU Geological Association: co-founder and treasurer, 2010–2011
Cleveland Museum of Natural History: Earth Science Day (CSUGA), 2010