
Eric Kucinski, Gallatin National Forest, Montana
I am a Fixed-Term Assistant Professor of Earth Science at Montana State University Billings in Montana. MSUB does not have a geology program, but we have degree options that allow a wide range of intro to mid-level geology courses to be taught. MSUB caters to many hardworking non-traditional, returning, and first-generation students, and the low student:faculty ratio coupled with immediate access to world class geology allows for one-on-one experiences and early research opportunities for students that might get overlooked in larger programs.
Aside from MSUB, I have over 13 semesters of academic and non-academic classroom and field teaching in Ohio, Montana, New Mexico, and Yellowstone.
Teaching Positions
Fixed-Term Assistant Professor of Earth Science, MSUB: August 2022–Present
Adjunct Professor, New Mexico Tech Earth and Environmental Science Dept.: July 2020–2022
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of New Mexico: Fall 2016 and 2019–2020
Field Instructor, Yellowstone Association Institute (now Yellowstone Forever): July 2016
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Montana State University: 2011–2014
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Cleveland State University: 2010–2011
Academic Teaching Experience
Geo101: Intro to Physical Geology (F22; Sp23; F23)
Geo102: Intro to Physical Geology Lab (F22; Sp23; F23)
Geo205/Geo491: Mineralogy/Mineral Chemistry (F23)
Geo211: Earth History & Evolution (Sp23)
Geo212: Earth History & Evolution Lab (Sp23)
Geo309: Sedimentation & Stratigraphy (F22)
Geo490: Undergraduate Research (Sp23; F23)
Geo498: Undergraduate Internship (Sp23)
SCIN103: Integrated Science II for Elementary Ed (Sp23)
SCIN104: Integrated Science II for Elementary Ed Lab (Sp23)
University of New Mexico
EPS307L: Structural Geology (Sp20)
ENVS1130L: The Blue Planet (Sp20)
EPS310L: New Mexico Field Geology (F19)
GEOL1110L: Physical Geology (F19)
EPS105L: The Blue Planet (F16)
Montana State University
GEO315: Structural Geology (S13; Sp14)
ERTH102: Field Excursions to Observe Dynamic Earth Processes (Summer 2013)
ERTH101: Earth Systems Science Lab (F12; F13; lead TA F13)
GEO101: Physical Geology Lab (F11; Sp12)
Cleveland State University
GEO101: Introduction to Geology (Sp10; F10; Sp11)
Non-Academic Teaching Experience
Yellowstone Association
Roadside Geology of Yellowstone Country (July 2016)
Montana State University AAPG Student Chapter field trip (organizer and leader): Paradise Valley, Montana: Oct. 2014